Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Virtualization and Shared Storage

When Interwest’s current technology upgrade was in the planning stage it quickly became apparent that, in order to provide new and improved resources to our staff and customers, as well implement an infrastructure that would scale as our needs grew, a better approach was needed.  Traditionally, a new physical server was added each time a new resource was needed.  With initial planning for five to seven new servers, the cost and space requirements would extend beyond the constraints of the budget and current data center rack space.

The Solution

Virtualization and shared storage

Virtualization allows one physical server to host multiple software or virtual servers.  These virtual servers function as individual servers, as if they were standalone physical servers, but they do not consume the space or energy of individual physical servers.

Shared storage allows multiple physical host servers to ‘share’ the virtual servers.  If a physical host server needs to be taken offline for maintenance, the virtual server can just be moved to another host without any downtime to the virtual server or its resources.

Interwest’s Implementation

After much research and hands-on testing, Interwest decided to implement two Citrix XenServer virtual hosts and an internally redundant, dual-controller NetApp Storage Area Network for shared storage to cover the initial five to seven virtual servers.

The Citrix XenServer hosts work together with the NetApp shared storage to provide redundant availability to the virtual servers they host.  The NetApp SAN has redundant controllers with their own redundant disks and redundant power supplies.

The solution scales well.  Adding one additional XenServer host has allowed the number of virtual servers to increase to 14 while maintaining the same level of redundancy. Three XenServers and one NetApp can replace 14 physical servers.

Advantages of Virtualization

The benefits of virtualization are numerous…a few key benefits are:
  • more efficient use of resources, including CPUs, memory and storage
  •  decreased energy consumption and space requirements
  • easier server management
  • fewer physical servers on which to maintain warranties

Advantages of Shared Storage

The benefits of shared storage are numerous…a few key benefits are:
  • increased resource availability
  •  more efficient storage via thin provisioning

Friday, August 2, 2013

GIS Integration Using Microsoft SharePoint

Interwest integrates Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with key enterprise software applications public agencies utilize including permitting, utility billing, property viewers, Computer Aided Dispatch and citizen reporting systems. For the City of Elk Grove, Interwest created a custom intranet site using Microsoft SharePoint. The site pulls data from GIS into reports to give managers updated information on projects such as transit routes, trails, and ADA compliance updates.


Interwest pulls data from Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) to update the city’s CIP maps as the status changes from planning to completion. The City of Elk Grove receives weekly updates from the County with parcel ownership changes and foreclosure status. Interwest pulls this data into GIS through an automated workflow that also updates the management console created in SharePoint.

Updates flow both into and out of SharePoint. Interwest pulls data from GIS into SharePoint through automated scripts. The City’s Bridge Inventory is maintained in GIS. When a manager views the Bridge Inventory report inside the management console in SharePoint, it displays the latest attribute data from GIS ensuring the city reports the most recent changes to CalTrans.


Interwest integrates GIS data with many applications to streamline the sharing of information and ensure an agency’s maps are updated nightly with data pulled from other software applications. SharePoint is customized to each client’s unique workflow and integration requirements.

Interwest customizes SharePoint to help public agencies integrate their project tracking data with GIS.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Management Dashboard

Interwest creates solutions for public agencies to pull data from their various software applications into one centralized dashboard for managers. For the City of Elk Grove, Interwest created a custom intranet site using Microsoft SharePoint. The site’s management console contains reports from other applications all in one spot as well as shared spreadsheets that managers collaborate on.

Interwest’s IT team assessed the needs of each manager and created customized forms, reports, spread-sheets, and workflows for each need.


The Finance Department Manager’s snapshot pulls data from the permitting system to track accounts that are past due, active business licenses, delinquent payments from Community Facility Districts and development financing.


The Development Services Manager’s snapshot pulls data from the permitting system, utility system and hosts shared spreadsheets for tracking commercial and residential recycling programs. The console contains as City Wide section utilized by multiple department heads including GIS reports, ADA compliance tracking, parcel ownership changes, bank owned homes, vacant homes, rental homes and open con-tact management calls.

Interwest uses SharePoint to help public agencies save time by bringing together important content from multiple applications into a management console. Interwest tailored the console to each manager’s unique needs and the site is easily updated overtime as a manager’s priorities change.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Electronic Reporting Using Microsoft SharePoint

Interwest provides IT consulting services to public agencies to track and route requests. The IT team uses Microsoft SharePoint to customize a workflow based on each agency’s unique requirements.

For the City of Elk Grove, Interwest created a custom intranet site using SharePoint. The site is a starting point for many workflows including electronic contract routing, insurance requests, graphic design requests, and staff reports. Inter-west’s IT team assessed the needs of each department and created customized forms and workflows for each need to route the request from originator to the employees responsible for completing the task.


A staff report is created each time a request is submitted or ap-proved by the City Council. Interwest met with various depart-ments to assess the needs for this workflow and customized a form and workflow to route the staff report from the originator to each point of review: department head, city attorney, finance, city clerk and city manager.


For the electronic contract routing solution, staff members enter contracts into a web based form and select the appropriate depart-ment head to receive the contract next. The department head re-ceives an email notification with a link back to the form and at-tached contract. The manager reviews the contract and either sends it on to the City Attorney or if changes are needed, back to the originator. After all the changes have been made and reviewed by the staff, manager and attorney, the City Manager receives the electronic contract. Staff and managers are notified of the con-tract’s progress as the status changes.


When a staff member needs a graphic for a flyer, mailer, t-shirt or other need, the request begins in their intranet site designed using SharePoint. Interwest met with the graphic designer and other staff to customize a form ensuring that the graphic designer received all important information necessary to get started on the project in-cluding the type of project, due date, size, and description. The designer updates the form as progress continues and the original requestor as well has the requestor’s supervisor are updated as the status of the request changes from pre-production to proofing to finished design.

Interwest customizes SharePoint to help public agencies save both time and paper automating tasks electronically. The tailored elec-tronic forms save both time and paper and also ensure that the proper workflow is followed and all the necessary people have re-viewed the requests before it is given to the staff member responsi-ble for the final deliverable.