Friday, August 2, 2013

GIS Integration Using Microsoft SharePoint

Interwest integrates Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with key enterprise software applications public agencies utilize including permitting, utility billing, property viewers, Computer Aided Dispatch and citizen reporting systems. For the City of Elk Grove, Interwest created a custom intranet site using Microsoft SharePoint. The site pulls data from GIS into reports to give managers updated information on projects such as transit routes, trails, and ADA compliance updates.


Interwest pulls data from Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) to update the city’s CIP maps as the status changes from planning to completion. The City of Elk Grove receives weekly updates from the County with parcel ownership changes and foreclosure status. Interwest pulls this data into GIS through an automated workflow that also updates the management console created in SharePoint.

Updates flow both into and out of SharePoint. Interwest pulls data from GIS into SharePoint through automated scripts. The City’s Bridge Inventory is maintained in GIS. When a manager views the Bridge Inventory report inside the management console in SharePoint, it displays the latest attribute data from GIS ensuring the city reports the most recent changes to CalTrans.


Interwest integrates GIS data with many applications to streamline the sharing of information and ensure an agency’s maps are updated nightly with data pulled from other software applications. SharePoint is customized to each client’s unique workflow and integration requirements.

Interwest customizes SharePoint to help public agencies integrate their project tracking data with GIS.